Emmie Brenzel

Emmie Brenzel has over thirty years of experience in holistic health and wellness as a Registered Nurse, Health Coach, Healing Touch Practitioner, Spiritual Director, and Forest Therapy Guide. She has developed and taught classes on Energy Health and Wellness and The Healing Power of Nature. Emmie graduated from the Osage Forest of Peace School of Spiritual Direction and has been Certified as a Forest Therapy Guide with the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy. She operates a local business, Ozark Forest Therapy, providing Eco-Spiritual Direction, leading Forest Meditations, and Guiding Forest and Full Moon Walks.


Upcoming Programs by Emmie Brenzel

Forest Bathing Retreat: Finding Health, Wellness, and Peace in The Forest

October 25 - 27, 2024

Join Forest Therapy Guide and Soul Companion Emmie Brenzel for an immersion in the forest Research has shown that as little as 15 minutes in a forest can improve one’s mood and relieve stress and anxiety. Studies reveal physical, mental, spiritual, and global health benefits can be found in nature. We know intuitively that nature […]