Letting Go of What No Longer Serves: Autumn Equinox Meditation

With Jeni Enns

September 21, 2024

Date and Time Details: September 21, 2024 from 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Location: Osage Forest of Peace

Address: 141 Monastery RoadSand Springs, OK 74063

Contact: Guest Services
(918) 245-2734

Suggested donation – $10.00
Program is fully booked
Program is fully booked

Join us for our observance of the autumn equinox, where we’ll commune together outside in nature, weather permitting. The autumn equinox is a time of balance and equilibrium between the light and the dark, when the length of the days and nights are equal. The nights continue to grow longer as we descend into winter. Autumn is also a time of letting go of what no longer serves us, just as the leaves and plant life die and fall to the ground in colorful beauty, leaving seeds to be reborn in the spring.

Communally participating in seasonal shifts is a time-honored practice. Through connection with nature, listening, sound, and silence, we’ll make a journey of descent through the labyrinth and release what no longer serves us. If you wish, bring an object that represents something you wish to release in your life, to be left on the altar during our journey.


About the Facilitator

Jeni Enns

Jeni is a professional writer, ritualist, and certified Red School Menstruality Mentor who is here to guide you through reclaiming your most authentic, wildest feminine power held in your menstrual cycle and conscious menopause. You can follow her writings and offerings at Red Earth Roundhouse. She has worked for 20 years as a technical writer in […]

Learn more about Jeni Enns

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