Forest Bathing Retreat: Finding Health, Wellness, and Peace in The Forest

With Emmie Brenzel

October 25 - 27, 2024

Date and Time Details: Starts Friday, October 25: Check in starts at 3:30 PM. Ends Sunday, October 27, at 12:00 PM.

Location: Osage Forest of Peace

Address: 141 Monastery Road, Sand Springs, OK, USA

Contact: Guest Services

  • Standard Cabin – $300.00
  • Upgraded Cabin: Mary (#6) – $330.00
  • Upgraded Cabin: Scholastica (#10) – $330.00
  • Hermitage: Subiaco (#11) – $380.00
  • Commuter: Full Weekend – $130.00

Join Forest Therapy Guide and Soul Companion Emmie Brenzel for an immersion in the forest

Research has shown that as little as 15 minutes in a forest can improve one’s mood and relieve stress and anxiety. Studies reveal physical, mental, spiritual, and global health benefits can be found in nature. We know intuitively that nature nurtures and yet we rarely make the time to allow nature to restore us.

This retreat is designed to inspire and empower you to deepen your understanding of your natural world and your relationship with nature and the forest.

The retreat will include:

  • Classroom lectures.
  • Group and solo experiential activities.
  • Partnerships with nature.
  • Quiet reflection time.
  • A forest bathing walk.

By the close of this retreat, you will have a greater knowledge of how nature can enhance your healing, practical skills to promote continued connection with nature, and an individualized nature prescription to promote the wellbeing of your body, mind, and spirit.


“I go to nature to be soothed and healed,
and to have my senses put in tune once more.”
-John Burroughs


Forest Therapy and time spent in nature, benefits our physical, mental, and spiritual health and is as essential to us as good nutrition.

The benefits include:

  • Boosts immune function
  • Relaxation and stress reduction
  • Improves mood and reduces symptoms of depression
  • Lowers cortisol levels
  • Increases Natural Killer (NK) cells
  • Decreases blood pressure and heart rate
  • Enhances Creativity
  • Improves Cognitive Function

It is nature, the forest, and the More Than Human World, that provide the wisdom and healing.

Learn more about Emmie’s work

NPR interview with Emmie: Forest therapy can help to quell anxiety and stress, expert says


“These walks are truly soul realigning, as she guides participants to connect deeply with nature, respond to unique and self-inquisitive questions, and to honor oneself through the practice of tea.”

~ Guest from Fayetteville Movement Festival

Emmie gently guided us on a full moon immersion in the forest with prompts that helped us connect with the nature around us. I felt very held by her sensitive, kind, and empathetic way with the group. The tea ceremony helped ground the evening in a beautiful ritual.”

~ Jen


Friday, October 25th 

3:30−5:00 p.m. Arrival and check in 

4:30 p.m. Evening meditation in main chapel (optional)  

5:30−6:30 p.m. Supper and cleanup 

7:00 p.m. Retreat Begins – Bede 

7:00-7:15 p.m. Nature Survey and Treasure Selection 

7:15−8:00 p.m. Opening Ceremony, Nature Introductions

8:00 -8:15 p.m. Evening Nature Stretch Break 

8:15–9:30 p.m. Class Introductions, Create Nature Altar, Introduce Group  Nature Mandala 

Saturday, October 26th 

7:00−7:30 a.m. Morning meditation in chapel (optional) 

7:30−9:00 a.m. Silent breakfast on your own  

9:00−9:30 a.m. Introduction to Forest Medicine/Forest Bathing – Bede

9:30-9:45 a.m. Morning Nature Stretch Break 

9:45 – 11:45 am Forest Bathing with closing tea ceremony 

12:00 Noon meditation in main chapel (optional)

12:30−1:30 p.m. Lunch and cleanup 

1:30− 2:45 p.m. Nature Journaling and Haiku Writing Activities– Bede 

2:45-3:15 p.m. Afternoon Nature Stretch Break

3:15−4:30 p.m. Nature Mandala Activities 

4:30 p.m. Evening meditation in main chapel (optional) 

5:30-6:30 p.m. Supper and cleanup  

7:00−8:00 p.m. Free Time 

8:00−9:00 p.m. Optional *Campfire Gathering with creative sharing of  nature poems and/or Haikus (*weather dependent- Bede backup) 

Sunday, October 27th 

7:00 a.m. Morning Meditation, main chapel (optional)

7:30−9:00 a.m. Silent breakfast on your own 

9:30-11:00 a.m. Nature Checklist, Nature Survey, and Closing Ceremony 

11:00-12:00 Brunch, cleanup, and good-byes

About the Facilitator

Emmie Brenzel

Emmie Brenzel has over thirty years of experience in holistic health and wellness as a Registered Nurse, Health Coach, Healing Touch Practitioner, Spiritual Director, and Forest Therapy Guide. She has developed and taught classes on Energy Health and Wellness and The Healing Power of Nature. Emmie graduated from the Osage Forest of Peace School of […]

Learn more about Emmie Brenzel

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