Day Use Guest Registration

Open Dates


Donate for day use – $5.00 - $20.00

Welcome to the Forest!

We warmly welcome you to our Forest home. The Forest is a retreat center that cultivates quiet, peace, and a contemplative atmosphere for those who enter our sacred grounds. As such, we require all day visitors to register with us and agree to our policies:

  • No guests under 18 years old (our liability insurance won’t allow us to host children).
  • No alcohol, tobacco, or recreational drugs.
  • No weapons of any kind.
  • No open fires. 
  • No pets (service animals are OK).
  • Please respect our guests and residents by not entering cabins without permission from Forest staff and by following the signage where guests aren’t permitted.

We kindly ask that you help us maintain our quiet atmosphere.

Online day visitor welcome guide

Click here for our online welcome guide and map.


We welcome you any day between sunrise and sunset to come explore the Forest. You’re welcome to spend time on our grounds in solitude or as part of our regular community activities. Note that Mondays are Forest Day, a day of sabbath for our staff and residents without scheduled meals or meditation times.

We are closed to outside guests during the month of August for a time of sabbath.

Donate for day use

To help us maintain our property, please make a donation of $5 + for use of our property.

You can donate when you register online, or simply drop something in our donation jar inside the front door of our Main House.

We appreciate you!

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