Be Still & Know - Practices in Silence and Discernment

With Swami Sankarananda

November 22 - 24, 2024

Date and Time Details: Starts Friday, November 22: Check in starts at 4:00 PM. Ends Sunday, November 24, at 2:00 PM.

Location: Osage Forest of Peace

Address: 141 Monastery Road, Sand Springs, OK, USA

Contact: Guest Services

  • Single Occupancy (Private Cabin) – $280.00
  • Double Occupancy (Shared Cabin with Roommate) – $200.00

Silent Retreat with Swami Sankarananda

This silent retreat is open to all sincere truth seekers. Sacred space is provided and maintained, all participants are asked to observe and respect silence within scheduled times and remain at Osage Forest of Peace during the full extent of the retreat if possible. 

The cost of the retreat goes toward the facilities at the Osage Forest of Peace only. Donations will be accepted for Swami Sankarananda during the retreat. This retreat is fully onsite with no commuter options.

If you wish to stay for three nights, you’ll be given a spacious opportunity to spend Thursday evening through Friday evening in silence and rest before the retreat sessions begin on Friday evening.

Retreat Overview 

Deepen your experience of yoga through silence, meditation, chanting, yoga asana and the teachings of the great Yogis. Swami Sankarananda will guide us through the majority of the retreat, sharing wisdom to inspire transcendence from living in fear, to living in peace & harmony. 

To learn more about Swamiji, please click here.

For an overview of the goal, means, and practice within the retreat please watch this video:

Main Gathering Places 

Most of the scheduled events will take place within the Main House. There are restrooms in the retreat house, and shower facilities are available in the individual cabins.  

We will have a labyrinth walk on Sunday morning.  Participants are encouraged to explore the grounds outdoors during personal time. There is a forest sanctuary with hiking trails and a Zen Garden for quiet reflective time in nature.


Simple, vegan food will be provided. Brunch and dinner are the scheduled gathering times for eating. Light snacks and tea will be available throughout the day.   

Sleeping Arrangements 

You will be matched with a roommate in a double occupancy cabin. If you wish to reserve the entire cabin for yourself and not have a roommate, please register for the single occupancy rate. 


As part of deepening our yogic awareness and practices, opportunities for seva (self-less service) will be available throughout the weekend. We will discuss the various opportunities on Friday night and ask for volunteers. Sharing seva together is an essential aspect of the retreat weekend. 

Spiritual Counseling 

On Day 2 of the retreat, Swami will offer counseling sessions for those interested. Please sign up on the spiritual counseling sheet which will be available during the retreat. 

What to Bring

  • Toothbrush/toothpaste, soap, and other personal toiletries
  • Yoga mat and any yoga props you like to use
  • Loose breathable clothes for yoga class
  • Sunscreen, bug spray, any necessities for outdoor time
  • Walking shoes
  • Any medications you are taking 

General Guidelines 

Silence is to be maintained during the retreat, except for chanting and discussion with the teacher. If anyone does not feel well or needs to discuss anything, they should let Swami know. 

We encourage  all participants to take this opportunity to unplug for the weekend.  All communication devices (phones, computers, etc) are to be turned off at the beginning of the retreat, and it is best that you leave them off during the entire retreat. Please contact friends and family prior to the retreat. In case of emergency they may contact Swami, he will keep his phone on. His number is (234) 262-1086. 

Retreat Schedule 

Friday, Day 1 

4:00 PM Arrival and check in

6:00 PM Dinner

7:00 PM Opening prayer, introductions and overview

7:30 PM Satsang: Silent Meditation, Chanting, Dharma Talk: From Sound to Silence

10:00 PM Lights Out

Saturday, Day 2

5:30 AM Wake up

6:00 AM Satsang Silent Meditation, Chanting, Dharma Talk

8:00 AM Yoga Asana / Pranayama Class

10:00 AM Brunch

12:00 PM Discernment Workshop #1

1:00 PM Individual Sadhana Practice

  • One-to-ones with Swami (sign up)
  • Reading and Reflective Contemplation
  • Meditation / Japa
  • Rest
  • Nature Walk
  • Introspection
  • Journaling

4-5:30 PM Gentle yoga

6:00 PM Dinner

7:00 PM Kirtan

8:00 PM Satsang: Meditation, Chanting, Dharma Talk

10:00 PM Lights Out

Sunday, Day 3

5: 30 AM Wake up

6:00 AM Satsang: Silent Meditation, Chanting, Dharma Talk

8:00 AM Yoga Asana / Pranayama Class

10:00 AM Brunch

11:00 AM Labyrinth – walking meditation

12:00 PM Discernment Workshop #2

1:00 PM Closing Discussions, Prayers & Arati – Practice of Silence Ends

2:00 PM Program ends



About the Facilitator

Swami Sankarananda

Swami Sankarananda in his own words is "a simple peace pilgrim, a servant of God in our path of awakening to the One Truth. This is a statement of grace. I was so much, rather thought myself to be, but through grace I have stripped all of this away, and sit here now in the eternal […]

Learn more about Swami Sankarananda

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